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oriental tobacco中文是什么意思

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  • 东方烟


  • Mass rearing of the oriental tobacco budworm for sterile insect technique programs
  • A comparison study on some characteristics of different oriental tobacco genotypes
  • 12 . 26 % ) . further smoking quality test indicated that after the addition of condensate of oriental tobacco extract to flue - cured tobacco leaves , quality of aroma increased , while offensive odor and irritant decreased . furthermore , with the increasing condensate of quality score in tobacco leaves , richness and sweetness of smoke improved in a way , and the flavor quality was the best when quality score ( concentration ) of oriental tobacco extract was 70 %
    12 . 26 % .进一步的评吸结果表明,在烤烟烟叶中加入香料烟浸膏后,可使香气质改善,香气量增加,杂气,刺激性减轻,而且当加入浸膏的质量分数增大时,烟气浓度和甜度有所增高,不同处理相比较,浸膏质量分数为70 %时,烟气的香吃味质量最好
  • A study was carried out on the influence of condensate of oriental tobacco extract on chemical components and smoke components and flavor quality of flue - cured tobacco leaves during different concentration . the results showed that with the increasing of quality score of oriental tobacco extract condensate , the amount of reducing sugar in tobacco leaves decreased ( by 1 . 49 % ?
    研究了不同浓度条件下香料烟浸膏对烤烟烟叶化学成分、烟气成分和香吃味质量的影响.结果表明,随着香料烟浸膏质量分数的增大,烟叶中各种化学成分表现出不同程度的变化,其中还原糖下降幅度为1 . 49 % ?
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